Tuesday, 30 October 2012

{Thank You So Much}

Hey lovely people, this might be my last post of this month because of the upcoming exams & I have to learn a lot! So I just had to say a big thank you to some of the people who see my blog, and specially to those who sort out their time to read on my blog and that is really sweet of them, I just wanna say a big Thank you because as I had posted last time the pomposity post that I didn't like your attitudes about commenting.

That was and that will be because I have seen the statistics of my blog and they say that my blog is kind of famous I guess =p

But thanks to the people who have shown their mercy and their love for commenting and visiting my blog and then a feedback is
just a glorious gift for me that you liked or disliked the post, because then my enrage just strikes and I feel that I am a stupid
 blind human who is posting continuously without getting any feedbacks!

Just try a little to read on and write on, please! (Never Mind =p) Thanks well, I wish if I could call out their names who have
 explored the blog post and have commented too as a daily persona, well I would if there would be enough people then.

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, 29 October 2012


Hola amigo! I was very excited to post this because this post s a real freak! That is because we went to Cinnabon, Pakistan in the morning with family and two lovely people Unzeelah & Ezaamah, my brother's children. Our actual plan was to go to Dunkin' Donuts as we go sometimes with lil ones but we didn't go there just 'cuz of some mistake. The morning was lovely and when we went to Cinnabon instead , I took some of the pictures of the two lovelies and the food obviously to add over here =p.

Well, I feel that family outings are important and the most important part is the history we'll take together when we grow more to life, and the element or the agent that will be a memoir are the photographs.

Life will introduce us to a new oneself, and the main thing that has to be there is the memory of what we used to be, Ya I know & I can understand it's hard to become the person we used to be, but why don't you just remember it man?  And the photographs are best element in a person's life to remember and stay long with the memory that what & how we were, and what & how we are.

Just to justify that why do I take pictures (not photography), just to let them become a milestone in our lives, I have written all this for that. How important these pictures are! Let's see what I'll get when I'll be somewhere else and when I see those pictures, what will be my thoughts, let's see the picture! 

*The Cuppy-Cake*
The Cuppy cake I ate in the morning which is unusual for me because I have quite a lot heavy breakfast everyday, but this just a Cuppy cake wasn't enough for me (I thought 'fore eating it) but when I ate it, it was like I ate my regular breakfast twice =D with the Cinnabon's Oreo Chillata, a whole cup! The larger size OMG  I was really serious so I shared it with Unz & Ez. 

Courtesy: Ali Anas | Photography

*The Oreo Chillata*
This is the Drink I had with the Cuppy-Cake, the Oreo chillata! This one was quite nice but too heavy, a couple times I said the word 'Heavy' just because sweets are always heavy, and in the breakfast, even though a cupcake and a drink is not a quite heavy stuff to take-in, but his one was and I am not a very food lover I guess =p.

So the both things were lovely just because it was the first day in my whole life that I had breakfast at Cinnabon quite a lot nice experience I guess.

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, 28 October 2012

{Every time I close my eyes I see your face}

Bonjour! I took this pic a couple of days ago of my cellphone and basically of the picture  you can see in the screen. But that is a picture just like that, but I have added it as because I feel its nice to add the little parts of my life.
I have no caption or no reason why I added this pic but I think there should be pictures too as a whole with bit of text, and the whole text where needed with a little picture to support.

Thanks for stopping by!


Hey pals. I had thought to share some inspiring thing all over my circles randomly.
As I have been inspired a lot in my life and I wan't you too to see the inspiring things that had overwhelmed my mind all the way when I had started my blog. Kayyyyyyyy.

  • Her house in this one.
  • The lesson in this.

Source: http://abidasays.tumblr.com

  • She always captures the best of the moments in her life. Beautiful.                                  
  •  The art in this blog. A very nice photographer and a very inspiring crafty woman.

So I think these are the things that have inspired me yet.

Hope you'll be inspired too!

Thanks for stopping by. 

{I love you more when you're there}

Bonjour, les amis! How are you? Hoping fo' yo' goodness! and wishing you a very blessed day.

Haven't seen my goats slaughtered, just the little pieces of meat packed in polythene bags been given to, dears and relatives, poor people and the rest in our house.

So it's the 2nd day of Eid; had made some decoration cards for displaying in my room table.
You won't believe I love it every time I see it! It gives a decent look to the place and has overwhelmed the whole table and indeed my heart and others' too.

Had made it a couple of days ago the first one, the small one. As I had to make a front cover for my another mini book but however, it turned out to be very small to be the front cover of my book and so my mind had changed too.

I did some quoting and drawing and taping on it, then I displayed it in my room, on my dressing table to distract from not so good things in my room. It does the pleasing work for me.

Eventually I made more of the different sized and different quoted, coloured cards and displayed them sooner after.

Here we go for the combined looks.,

I hope you liked them because The first one from the right side is the one that I had made for the cover of my mini but I replaced it and it turned out to be a quote card.

Thanks for stopping by!


Saturday, 27 October 2012

{Celebrating Eid}

Hey Pals! Ha'bbeen really busy in Kurbani and stuff, yaa I know that today: 27/10/2012 has been the Eid Ul Azha, and we've been celebrating it, but really! I would say sincerely that I really couldn't feel that was an Eid day. Quite boring day, NO NO NO! I didn't mean to say that Eids are boring, but Eid Ul Fitr is much enjoying. 

Well, saw the slaughtering of the cows and camels, as we follow the Sunnat-e-Ibraheemi, that has been passing through out our forefathers and their forefathers. So we are always to buy an animal like either a goat, cow, camel or sheep.

So enough Info about the religious festival. Now lemme tell you that what did I do to express my happiness in front of people. I decorated some places of my home

As I had told you about the birthday decoration I did, then I did some implementations within an hour!

Here is the pic.

So, tis the garland that is made by me by using tape, Paper, Pens & Colours, yarn & my old garland;

What I did that I cut out the Eid alphabets from coloured paper and then I did taping and then I hung it and tied little knots on the garland!

Thanks for stopping by!


Sunday, 21 October 2012

{Comments on}

Hey adorable people.

I have been noticing that I have given three options that how much do you rate the relevant post, there are ratings but that doesn't prove anything, so please comment (if you want to) and let me know what you think, and I am sure that I will reply you too. At least I would know what you are thinking, you want improvement or something else from me, give me ideas etc.

Just wanted to request and inform you that I really don't like this attitude of you people that every day when ever I visit my blog, and checkout the page views, they are about 50 per day but no comments? I am not forcing you to comment but still want you to give me a feedback as I would be thankful to you.

Thanks for giving your time to have a look anyways.

Regards: Naj.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

{I am a bad bad girl}

Hey people, just have been hurt for a long long time ago because of some of my classmates and their doings that make me feel suppressed and un-important, and a couple of days ago, I have been thinking to blog this as blogging is all about what we're doing all the way. 

Actually they hurt me is not the topic which I am blogging about, the topic is that whatever they said is right.

According to me, what the people say about us, is sometimes right; even they don't compromise and turn to what they're saying. Besides these things are also those points that I was all the time involved in enveloping from my original persona.

Do I really am the way they said?

  • I am egoistic.
  • I am good to nothing.
  • I can't do anything at it's good.
  • I am all into my thoughts.
  • I don't listen to anybody.
Is that true what they said? 
Sometimes we go in complex &  Pessimism, maybe I am thinking too much, or maybe what I think is right.

I have reflected myself as a normal person should be but besides what my friends said, we can't always judge ourselves as a superior.

I hope you will understand me...

Thanks for having a look anyways.


Friday, 12 October 2012


Sharing one of the bokehlicious pictures that I captured a couple of days ago;

Hope you are going to like them as because I always have loved bokeh so I wan't you to understand that hehehe =)

There we go...


Thanks for having a look...

I hope you liked it... =] If you are having some more ideas, then let me know okay :)


Saturday, 6 October 2012

{...and sometimes I want to capture the darlings of the world, and keep them in my heart}

Hey dears!
Hope for the good of all of you, actually I am sorry for this super late post because there the upcoming troubles are seen by me of my studies and I am all bothered to do random things at a lime :/ 
   So now I finally sorted out the time and took this picture of the photos attached together, because I love them, and very soon I am going to have more if God wills, so till then you should be going through this.. Picture please!

Thanks a lot for having a look at this, and yes, I can see myself in this picture too... hehehehe =)

Thanks for having a look!

Comment if you want improvement! :)
