Saturday, 27 October 2012

{Celebrating Eid}

Hey Pals! Ha'bbeen really busy in Kurbani and stuff, yaa I know that today: 27/10/2012 has been the Eid Ul Azha, and we've been celebrating it, but really! I would say sincerely that I really couldn't feel that was an Eid day. Quite boring day, NO NO NO! I didn't mean to say that Eids are boring, but Eid Ul Fitr is much enjoying. 

Well, saw the slaughtering of the cows and camels, as we follow the Sunnat-e-Ibraheemi, that has been passing through out our forefathers and their forefathers. So we are always to buy an animal like either a goat, cow, camel or sheep.

So enough Info about the religious festival. Now lemme tell you that what did I do to express my happiness in front of people. I decorated some places of my home

As I had told you about the birthday decoration I did, then I did some implementations within an hour!

Here is the pic.

So, tis the garland that is made by me by using tape, Paper, Pens & Colours, yarn & my old garland;

What I did that I cut out the Eid alphabets from coloured paper and then I did taping and then I hung it and tied little knots on the garland!

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Good!
    I also decorates my door but i wrote Eid-ul-Azha Mubarak! :) U can visit my blog and see the picture and tell me how's zat?
    Thanks if u have a look.
    Aimal Kayani.

    1. yes I have visited your blog and have seen that.

    2. Thanks..tell me how's xat?
      I'll love to hear from you.

    3. That's a good try by a 11 year old.

    4. Thanks you! :)

    5. What is garland you use to make ?

    6. Umm! You wrote garland made by me by using stuff? so Garland?
