Thursday, 3 May 2012

'Pressures of growing up’

'Pressures of growing up’
'A Dedication to 'Teenagers'

In the life, we suffer from great grieves... after all that's what we call growing up and that's what we all are living for, the pushing and pulling forces in our life, push us upwards, but somehow push us downwards too. But we never ever should mind all that... after all we all have to suffer the pressures of growing up.

We should develop or adopt some special features to help us overcome the obstacles in our life, in our teenage; we get to know some people who will play with us, real scoundrels you know! And we'll be screwed too. But if we want to life a successful life in an unsuitable environment, then we'll definitely have to become smart, GROW UP!
The features, you need to develop to become a successful teen are following:

  • Do not lie to your parents
  • Have limited hangouts
  • Follow your parents and their rules
These are the three steps, or phases, just THREE! And I can get that we can download 4 things at a time, then what’s adopting 3 features, well I believe that’s not enough. There should be more, as much as I think.

Some teenagers need a lot of will-power to be constant in their beliefs, or their parents’; this supports me because it clarifies everything. E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. I may tell you why I wrote it, as when you grow up, you come to know World, and then the other consequences of life, then you become attracted towards them as you get stick to your friends etc; so you keep making your belief on your other activities, but still you have a bank account with is tied in your parents’ fingers, the relationship bank account, each time you deposit a +ve thought, you see your parents getting happy and older and as you grow up, your parents see you fed up, and wiser; but you know, that they are your parents, you still are attracted to them, it’s natural we say! Yep! That’s how you stay constant with will-power and won’t-power is to the other social circle activities so you stay close to your parents. To girls (except me) they never see their growing tips of nails rotting, one day they will know what exactly that was! CARELESSNESS!!!!

Life may take you to a prolong journey, where you may retain, rot, fed up, etc! But still, life will take its revenge from you that you had rotten it, now it will rot you! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.
Guys GROW UP, GROW UP, GROW UP!!! Have a faith in yourself, the best thought about your own perfection is that never let anyone or anything put you down...! GO ON!
People ask me,’’ Life is HARD, I say: ‘Compared To what?’’ So Grow up, take this chance, and make... yourself!

Have to do a lot see you then.

Well Wisher
Sincerely yours,
A Teenager,
Najia... Arif ... Sultan.

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