Wednesday, 2 May 2012

''A Handful of Memories''

A Handful of Memories…
An unexpected end…

Dedicated to some of the very special people…

Not a long time ago, since we six met, behaved like strangers, talk a lot less magically, not so friendly, but just then past months ago, I felt like there’s someone, to whom I can share my thoughts, and have an equal thinking having mutual habits and manner of living… and had a strong thought about that these will always be there, whenever I call them…! Except that too, whenever I need you or not, you’ll always be asking about me…

I could never understand that person, who said a true friend is the one who helps you whenever you are in trouble, wrong! After all, friendship isn’t conditional’’

It’s a saying by me, for all those who really think that so – You six were the only friends, I found beside me, when I was hopeless to find someone for me… Sometimes we pouted at each other, fight, cry and all that,  but we solved each others’ problems and always took a sigh of relief after our accomplished missions, I am really gonna miss those times when we were all together, and specially when we got-together at our places.

Some times in our life will come when we’ll gonna realize that our lives have been changed by a glimpse and blink of an eye... we’ll miss this period of time when life didn’t change us, we came to explore it completely and carve out a new product for our prosperity…

We had so much fun when shared our things and behaved like there was nothing in this world like us, we were often criticized, claimed to be cheeky and those who spoil themselves L but what to do, we are flourished in the best way by our parents and that’s why we are the favorites of every-one – INDEED! (Sound Proud).

And now what a time we are facing, we are going to be divided... ne’er gonna meet again, or by chance, if our fortune doesn’t leave an excuse... The pleasures which we enjoyed are ne’er met elsewhere... and I promise! I’ll never forget you six... I hope you’ll do too...

So, we shall meet soon, good madam... after all, w can’t live without each other for a long time J so... If I ever hurt you by mistake or really, and you remember... forgive me dears... sweeties...

My Friends, a crossword made by me...
Forget-me-not... Believe me; I’ll ne'er forget you guys... OH NO! Gumdrops... J You’re gonna offer me some chocolates, or I will J Forgive your enemies, and leave them behind, there are a lot of people who walk into you lives J Believe me; it was all about you... and yours... memories...

Always praying for you SIX...

Your Well-wisher,

Najia Arif Sultan...


  1. <3 u deAr
    sure will not frgt u ever my gumdrop
    u mAde Me CRY

    1. Love you too :) how can you forget me? or how can I? :) Thanks for reading it :)

      Najia Arif Sultan.

  2. how can u make the crossword?
