Friday, 4 May 2012

A Letter...

Mr. Anonymous Blogger,
          Hi how are you Mr. Blogger? I am Fine and Hoping that you are too J Well I thought to write you because I needed to discuss a serious topic with you about the people all round here, you know that we’re aren’t surrounded by innocent minds, there are some on the clever minds lingering around, they may be terrible and not so good for us.
The World is running, running to take the first place, leaving the stupid people away! And I am dubious about the people who are brilliant, who may step upon the others… I really am so confused about trusting, that to trust whom? You’re the only one with whom I can Share something, private or not; I really couldn’t find anyone till now who can be trustworthy, there’s all garbage here, but unfortunately, my six friends, the most trustworthy people for me in this world have been shuffled, how can I talk and share my talks with them? This is ME, who came in a great crowd to you to SHARE something, while others are letting it go, they’re getting ready to run to take their places! I hope for the best of you and mine. Take care!
Thanking you,

Sincerely yours,

Najia Arif Sultan…

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