Tuesday, 4 December 2012

{It's still, and lovely}

The weather is changing and I am feeling quite uncomfortable to walk to the computer room from the blanket and post on, colder breezes (quite unusual) and windy days are following and the viral diseases like influenza and other are giving a profound effect of our health, hope you all are safe.

Along with the breezes, I have my project portfolios running together too :s Gawd it's so annoying for us and for the teachers irrelevant to the subject of which the portfolio is, of course! I am distracted and too confused an irritated by the portfolio and the most important thing which is the cherry on the top that is we have two portfolios running together! and I am feeling so stressed out so I just thought to kinda post on!

Well, life running together with two fastest things, the weather is also fast and indeed we are too, but this heart, it's always the same. It is constant, unchangeable, like I have met many people in life, some of them are still inside it some are thrown out, but still! It's never changing! I believe on the power of one's heart to control one self without devastating him. The most convenient issue that has been proved in front of us (maybe only me) that is, our hearts are the most stupid thing whole in our body, it would work day and night and make us stressed out while we are swinging between the choice of it and our brain. It is never known to the art of cleverness or maybe we are the one who never introduced it to become one.

I hope you liked the above text and I hope that it may reflect your life as well :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, 26 November 2012


Good morning peeps, how are you doing? hope all is good. Just have been really indulged in the work which was left untouched because of the resistance: EXAMS. Yeah, I was busy in Exams and couldn't post too much but my exams are now done and I am hoping for a good result as well. But there are my holidays for a few days so I had planner much for these days, NO NO NO! You are getting it wrong buddy, not the fun type thing like going out and blah blah get-togethers, I am talking about the work that was left apart of the Exhibition, sheesh. It's been going on I had to make some balls and had to check out and put an eye on the rest of the exhi-work.

I was just making them then suddenly my coochy-coo Anshoo came! and I was just so happy that I neglected the exhi-work and started to take pictures with her in this lazy.cozy.busy & cold morning of about 9:30 am! I can't tell you how cute she is! oh let it be! You know it! hehehe.

Besides, she can stand with a little support given and she stood by my support and I took the picture lol =p
She was wearing some hot clothes because of cold and she stood by my side while I took the picture and I was feeling a little cold but I carried on with her, I was so happy to see her face frst in the morning after the late night last face of her =) It's just so special! she is a bit clumsy because of the teeth that are emerging out of her jaws and she bites our fingers! hehe OUCH!

You can see the sunshine, it was so comfortable in the ring on the natural light in the cold weather with loved people around..

I was busy but then my busyness turned out to be fun! Joyous morning!

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, 25 November 2012

{I feel the first time, everytime}

Hey people, I was thinking from a few days that I should upload a picture and post something which emphasizes our nature, which praises the creator of it.

This picture is just nothing, but blurred. Just this morning I woke up and felt the beauty in the air and the atmosphere, the morning is clear, shinning like our hopes are and the wind is blowing and blowing... I loved when I tip-toed out of the room and started working for the upcoming exhibition at my place and then started DIY-ing but then I came to realize that this scenario which has been created since a few hours ago, was never like this before! The bounties of the nature show us the generosity of the creator, that each person he created differs from another, the prints on their hands, the color of their hair, difference in their temperament & everything!

Similarly, the weathers he created, each differs from one another, there's one which makes the sun brighter and makes our days prolonged, while one is reducing our days by cold breezes, spring brings happiness and greenery around, whereas autumn is opposed of spring, which brings lots of pale brown orbs in our garden.

Nothing is picked apart from praising, we praise and we thank for the bounties that He has bestowed on us, we should be thankful for the beauty of the nature and .... of ourselves.

I hope you loved the post.

Do stop by again!


Hey peeps, how are you doing? I am sharing some of the images that inspire me and I hope that they would inspire you too.

  • This text! Whoa, quiet woman-ish.
  • This and  this craziness, I believe.
  • The composition and the blur in this one.
  • This composition in the photo.
  • The style I wan't like this.
  • The shots I would love to take like this one.
  • A sweet breakfast like this.
  • The key chains like this.

I hope that these might have inspired you too! 
Come by again for inspirations!

Thanks for stopping by!

{Love them kiddies}

Love them kiddies, I tell you whenever they visit our house, the whole house enlightens, they are my cousin's children and I am their aunt (quiet silly, but yes) and I love them, the warmth for kids and the love provided by me is all the same, but the kinship is been going on and these two are just the most loved children of our house.

I told you about my niece Ansharah, you might know her as well because I have uploaded her pictures a couple of times and have introduced her to you so you are familiar to her, so I thought to share some other compositors of our life.. She is also the apple of our eyes, but these two children are the most and the most loved ones because they were first born then Ansharah came in this world and touched our hearts, but they were and are the most loving kids of our time, you can't imagine the warmth of love of the people for them! and besides, they are the most deliberate speakers and well-mannered children that I have ever met across! That is just another reason to love them, believe me.

Their naughtiness lies in their eyes but the cuteness lies in every tread they take forward! I feel just so beautiful and lucky to have such people NOT AROUND our house, but somewhere in our hearts! They have impressed and have taken every thing that belongs to us, including our hearts, our souls, our love and the warmth and cute smiles that emerge on our mouths when they impress us by their cute doings! and every mischief has cuteness and innocence enclosed within it!

I hope you would love them too, let's see if you like them by the text above which modifies and emphasizes them. What if you meet them!

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, 19 November 2012

Dear Joy!

Dear Joy,

You are the most wanted thing in the world, I wanted you since the day when I was born, but you gradually and eventually, I realized you've gone short, and grew shorter and shorter, now I have almost no part of you. But still, I believe you would return to me because a human heart is the only better place which worth your presence and hates your absence, you might be only one, or might be too many little ones, we never assumed you either you are a superior piece, or little small one, but still, I want you to glow in heart once again.

 As you came by at the doorstep, I slammed the door. Maybe I did what was was right according to me but it wasn't so good to you, come by, wave me and wake me up and tell me I am NOT the saddest person in the world. Please come by.

Thanks for stopping by!

{Bitter Sweet}

Hello peepos! Hope you are cheering up, I apologize for this late post, I know you might have got bored of seeing those older ones, so finally I got some matter to post on.

 YAY! I have got more equipment for my photography (not really) well you know that I don't do photography but just kinda, what you name it! ART WORK! Yep, I do art work and none of my pictures can be named as photography at all, because this thing can be done by some professionals because the camera is my brother's custody so I use it sometimes and just to give you high quality pictures of daily life, I capture pictures from a Digital SLR, otherwise there's really nothing that can name it as a most composed part of life.

Well most of the photography that I have seen isn't really what we call photography, it's what we call 'Art Work' and just because my brother has made the house a studio lol =p So I have got contact with speed lights, umbrellas, soft-boxes and other kinda portrait lenses and other equipment with almost no use of it by me! So I just kinda take pictures and then Photoshop or kinda light room it out =p

Well, We can't name it as photography as this field is kinda deep and interesting for those who can understand, exclude me =p because it's a truth that I really don't understand one thing until I read or learn it on, and my brother tries to make me understand what an aperture and ISO blah blah are, but that really makes me understand it until the next time I put my hands on it...!

Well I feel like there are other things in life to understand and it's better not to understand everything because somethings are better unsaid and misunderstood rather than scrubbing your mind on it.. hmm?

Sweet of you to stop by! Do again!

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

{I love blur}

Hey pals, hoping for your good! I am extremely happy b'cuz bu today's exam went very well that is just because of the absence from here lol :p

Well you might say, "this picture isn't so good" But I say, this photo is a total jamp! Well it's blurred but that's me, my close-up. I usually don't add my photos on the blog so that there would be no element that can be misused, but adding a blur one isn't really a big deal? is it? well, I wanted you to have a look at a blurred close-up of mine.

Let's see.,

Well, it's my bad that I am not smiling and looking horrible probably but still take it on man!

until then.. blurr!

Keep stopping by! :)


Hey Peepos.

I have been thinking to take such picture, which elaborates everything about the sky... I think that there's no limits of thoughts and doings, but you know the good people have their limits, but the goodness itself is not limited! well the topic is not that but it serves oneself a good personality as clear heart as the blue sky is.

I have been hurt, you might have been too. And that is what I want to say that be nice, get nice; along with that my topic also says the person is me who can be your perfect friend as clear minded and heart as the blue sky is cleared.

Let's see if it is nice... and if you feel that it's clear what I want to say... :)

I adore this picture because this is so good according to me, the text reflects it! and especially the blue heading and the above photo are linked hehe =]

Keep stopping by!

Monday, 12 November 2012

{Pieces Apart!}

Hello peeepos! How are you doing? Sorry for this late post because of my exams that is a hassle I tell you. Well my exams are going well but I just can't find time to write down this all then studying and blah blah blah so I just finally sorted out some time outta my messy life and now I am going to post it so you may see that's next.

Sorry quite ridiculous the above text is ;p
Well, there's not so a theme in this post, but yeah I can tell you what's been tickling me now-a-days, I have been embracing problems since a few days ago and I don't even want to but sometimes, whatever happens is going to bring you some good too. Well have been messed up; exams, study, life routine has disgusted.

This is how my daily life serves to the compositions in it. Pieces apart!

...And along with it, I am happy too because of some other things happening around like my auntie is coming very soon and then we'll go for long nights and have joyous days! Will upload that too :p don't worry.

Well, actually to say, I don't even know that what am I doing because my senses are apart from themselves too. I can't find time for participating in other things that are happening around.

Well, hoping for your feed-backs and my good too.

Keep stopping by!

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

{And Because We're Changed}

Hey lovely people. Wishing a good day.

Hope you all are doing good, I have recently made some changes in my room which are basically the DIY decorations with Origami. You might have heard about Origami, because this is something for which I am a total freak! (Not like that :p) I have made some things that are displayed in my room as a show piece.

The Origami is the work which I had done about a year ago, and for what I had done an Exhibition at my place (Sorry no pictures) a couple of days ago, that was supper!

 Everyone at my place loved that in which I had displayed the Art work (Drawings of Aiman) along with our Origami which included a crow we made, a ring case, a box, Kusudama, along with some unique vases and unique cups (real unique), and the display cards that I had made before, all together and the display was somehow an exhibition, on the 2nd partition of our house.

Well, too topic less talk. :P Now lets step towards what I had done in my room, I had displayed some special things to distract from the un-attractive features over there (yes there are some).

Let's see.,

And along with them there were some beautiful vases that had fascinated me towards them. Lets see.,

Well, if I would confess, then the truth is that I didn't have any good vases left so I used a unique cup and because the cup was left worthless unless someone would use it.

In there I have put some Origami flowers that I had made a couple of days ago., and there they went in too.

Okay, then I had made some pom poms, and then I hung them on the useless big lamp which stands beside our dressing.

I adore all of them, but this one is the first try ;) Well, then I took some of the flowers from the dressing vase into my vase (small one) the lilies of Origami, you gotta see it!

Then Some of the decorations for the birthday that I had done, had been implemented.

Thanks for stopping by!

My dressing which is been surrounded with the decorations more than the dress-up or make-up customs :p

Friday, 2 November 2012

{Because This Heart Speaks}

Hey Darls, hope you all are doing good I have been messed up since a few days because of my upcoming exams and that is such a hassle, you can guess. I am informing this to you because I wan't you to cool down because maybe I pause on my blogging stuff.

Adding another picture just because our tensions and suppression don't inform us before attacking, but just adding a picture to make you realize that this heart, my heart... speaks, it complaints that why is this happening around? even it's in my body but it does.

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

{Thank You So Much}

Hey lovely people, this might be my last post of this month because of the upcoming exams & I have to learn a lot! So I just had to say a big thank you to some of the people who see my blog, and specially to those who sort out their time to read on my blog and that is really sweet of them, I just wanna say a big Thank you because as I had posted last time the pomposity post that I didn't like your attitudes about commenting.

That was and that will be because I have seen the statistics of my blog and they say that my blog is kind of famous I guess =p

But thanks to the people who have shown their mercy and their love for commenting and visiting my blog and then a feedback is
just a glorious gift for me that you liked or disliked the post, because then my enrage just strikes and I feel that I am a stupid
 blind human who is posting continuously without getting any feedbacks!

Just try a little to read on and write on, please! (Never Mind =p) Thanks well, I wish if I could call out their names who have
 explored the blog post and have commented too as a daily persona, well I would if there would be enough people then.

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, 29 October 2012


Hola amigo! I was very excited to post this because this post s a real freak! That is because we went to Cinnabon, Pakistan in the morning with family and two lovely people Unzeelah & Ezaamah, my brother's children. Our actual plan was to go to Dunkin' Donuts as we go sometimes with lil ones but we didn't go there just 'cuz of some mistake. The morning was lovely and when we went to Cinnabon instead , I took some of the pictures of the two lovelies and the food obviously to add over here =p.

Well, I feel that family outings are important and the most important part is the history we'll take together when we grow more to life, and the element or the agent that will be a memoir are the photographs.

Life will introduce us to a new oneself, and the main thing that has to be there is the memory of what we used to be, Ya I know & I can understand it's hard to become the person we used to be, but why don't you just remember it man?  And the photographs are best element in a person's life to remember and stay long with the memory that what & how we were, and what & how we are.

Just to justify that why do I take pictures (not photography), just to let them become a milestone in our lives, I have written all this for that. How important these pictures are! Let's see what I'll get when I'll be somewhere else and when I see those pictures, what will be my thoughts, let's see the picture! 

*The Cuppy-Cake*
The Cuppy cake I ate in the morning which is unusual for me because I have quite a lot heavy breakfast everyday, but this just a Cuppy cake wasn't enough for me (I thought 'fore eating it) but when I ate it, it was like I ate my regular breakfast twice =D with the Cinnabon's Oreo Chillata, a whole cup! The larger size OMG  I was really serious so I shared it with Unz & Ez. 

Courtesy: Ali Anas | Photography

*The Oreo Chillata*
This is the Drink I had with the Cuppy-Cake, the Oreo chillata! This one was quite nice but too heavy, a couple times I said the word 'Heavy' just because sweets are always heavy, and in the breakfast, even though a cupcake and a drink is not a quite heavy stuff to take-in, but his one was and I am not a very food lover I guess =p.

So the both things were lovely just because it was the first day in my whole life that I had breakfast at Cinnabon quite a lot nice experience I guess.

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, 28 October 2012

{Every time I close my eyes I see your face}

Bonjour! I took this pic a couple of days ago of my cellphone and basically of the picture  you can see in the screen. But that is a picture just like that, but I have added it as because I feel its nice to add the little parts of my life.
I have no caption or no reason why I added this pic but I think there should be pictures too as a whole with bit of text, and the whole text where needed with a little picture to support.

Thanks for stopping by!


Hey pals. I had thought to share some inspiring thing all over my circles randomly.
As I have been inspired a lot in my life and I wan't you too to see the inspiring things that had overwhelmed my mind all the way when I had started my blog. Kayyyyyyyy.

  • Her house in this one.
  • The lesson in this.

Source: http://abidasays.tumblr.com

  • She always captures the best of the moments in her life. Beautiful.                                  
  •  The art in this blog. A very nice photographer and a very inspiring crafty woman.

So I think these are the things that have inspired me yet.

Hope you'll be inspired too!

Thanks for stopping by. 

{I love you more when you're there}

Bonjour, les amis! How are you? Hoping fo' yo' goodness! and wishing you a very blessed day.

Haven't seen my goats slaughtered, just the little pieces of meat packed in polythene bags been given to, dears and relatives, poor people and the rest in our house.

So it's the 2nd day of Eid; had made some decoration cards for displaying in my room table.
You won't believe I love it every time I see it! It gives a decent look to the place and has overwhelmed the whole table and indeed my heart and others' too.

Had made it a couple of days ago the first one, the small one. As I had to make a front cover for my another mini book but however, it turned out to be very small to be the front cover of my book and so my mind had changed too.

I did some quoting and drawing and taping on it, then I displayed it in my room, on my dressing table to distract from not so good things in my room. It does the pleasing work for me.

Eventually I made more of the different sized and different quoted, coloured cards and displayed them sooner after.

Here we go for the combined looks.,

I hope you liked them because The first one from the right side is the one that I had made for the cover of my mini but I replaced it and it turned out to be a quote card.

Thanks for stopping by!


Saturday, 27 October 2012

{Celebrating Eid}

Hey Pals! Ha'bbeen really busy in Kurbani and stuff, yaa I know that today: 27/10/2012 has been the Eid Ul Azha, and we've been celebrating it, but really! I would say sincerely that I really couldn't feel that was an Eid day. Quite boring day, NO NO NO! I didn't mean to say that Eids are boring, but Eid Ul Fitr is much enjoying. 

Well, saw the slaughtering of the cows and camels, as we follow the Sunnat-e-Ibraheemi, that has been passing through out our forefathers and their forefathers. So we are always to buy an animal like either a goat, cow, camel or sheep.

So enough Info about the religious festival. Now lemme tell you that what did I do to express my happiness in front of people. I decorated some places of my home

As I had told you about the birthday decoration I did, then I did some implementations within an hour!

Here is the pic.

So, tis the garland that is made by me by using tape, Paper, Pens & Colours, yarn & my old garland;

What I did that I cut out the Eid alphabets from coloured paper and then I did taping and then I hung it and tied little knots on the garland!

Thanks for stopping by!


Sunday, 21 October 2012

{Comments on}

Hey adorable people.

I have been noticing that I have given three options that how much do you rate the relevant post, there are ratings but that doesn't prove anything, so please comment (if you want to) and let me know what you think, and I am sure that I will reply you too. At least I would know what you are thinking, you want improvement or something else from me, give me ideas etc.

Just wanted to request and inform you that I really don't like this attitude of you people that every day when ever I visit my blog, and checkout the page views, they are about 50 per day but no comments? I am not forcing you to comment but still want you to give me a feedback as I would be thankful to you.

Thanks for giving your time to have a look anyways.

Regards: Naj.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

{I am a bad bad girl}

Hey people, just have been hurt for a long long time ago because of some of my classmates and their doings that make me feel suppressed and un-important, and a couple of days ago, I have been thinking to blog this as blogging is all about what we're doing all the way. 

Actually they hurt me is not the topic which I am blogging about, the topic is that whatever they said is right.

According to me, what the people say about us, is sometimes right; even they don't compromise and turn to what they're saying. Besides these things are also those points that I was all the time involved in enveloping from my original persona.

Do I really am the way they said?

  • I am egoistic.
  • I am good to nothing.
  • I can't do anything at it's good.
  • I am all into my thoughts.
  • I don't listen to anybody.
Is that true what they said? 
Sometimes we go in complex &  Pessimism, maybe I am thinking too much, or maybe what I think is right.

I have reflected myself as a normal person should be but besides what my friends said, we can't always judge ourselves as a superior.

I hope you will understand me...

Thanks for having a look anyways.


Friday, 12 October 2012


Sharing one of the bokehlicious pictures that I captured a couple of days ago;

Hope you are going to like them as because I always have loved bokeh so I wan't you to understand that hehehe =)

There we go...


Thanks for having a look...

I hope you liked it... =] If you are having some more ideas, then let me know okay :)


Saturday, 6 October 2012

{...and sometimes I want to capture the darlings of the world, and keep them in my heart}

Hey dears!
Hope for the good of all of you, actually I am sorry for this super late post because there the upcoming troubles are seen by me of my studies and I am all bothered to do random things at a lime :/ 
   So now I finally sorted out the time and took this picture of the photos attached together, because I love them, and very soon I am going to have more if God wills, so till then you should be going through this.. Picture please!

Thanks a lot for having a look at this, and yes, I can see myself in this picture too... hehehehe =)

Thanks for having a look!

Comment if you want improvement! :)


Friday, 28 September 2012

{Birthday Girl}

Hey hey hey! so there's the birthday girl! Sorry it's too late to be there but it was my birthday on the Th of September. I acknowledge that I couldn't put up it's pictures and journalling over here son enough but what so ever, that here now. I really love my family to make me feel important, secondly that's just so special when your Dad of your Mom greet you, your birthday and they make you feel that they value the day when the first time I cried and my Mom was happy! So life continues this cycle and you have to be someone in other's eyes so that they worth you, never make you feel like worthless! and So happy I am that I was born on this day and happy because that my parents still do cherish this day after 13 lovely years! Doesn't that mean so much? Now let us see that what did I do with the decoration case... 

I was really happy that I decorated some stuff first ever time in my life because some stuff already done and packed up and then posted up on the high walls just bothers me, I like them when they are hand made... So that is it...

Hope you loved this little creation of mine :)

Come again to explore :)


Monday, 17 September 2012

{These Days & Me} a mini... a journey of twenty twelve...

Hey pals! What-sup? Hope you all are doing really well! 

A couple of weeks ago, I had been working on some inspirations... the MINI BOOK, you might have not heard about that before, if yes then it would be super fun introducing it to you all! I had started working on it in the month of June but the prototype wasn't so good and my thoughts about making it a fab were stood there, still...

My heart was really broken when I looked at the one with despair! and threw my hands in despair too, but one day I made it by the heart of mine, my hands started working on it and there we go for some glances!

The mini book, These days and me... And it's really thick! next photos very soon...

Thanks for visiting, come again with brighter hopes :)


Sunday, 16 September 2012

{POTD: Boredom & Sunday}

Hey people! Sorry for the long absence from here, had been really caught up in other things. Now wanted to take a picture of my daily life, there we go!

Those lazy Sundays, and really boring day, I don't understand people who say that Sundays are enjoyable, I never found it interesting that sitting on the couch, taking at someone's back, having a cup of tea, and thinking to get a better life than this.

Thanks for adding a bit joy to my Sunday...


Tuesday, 11 September 2012

{Miss you EOS}

:) Hey all.. 

Missing my old camera, the EOS 550D, and I remember once I took a picture of its 'EOS' and that was just so peaceful picture! I love it every time I see it, so I thought to share it for you to see it too ;)

The yellow is my shirt, that I wore on Jumma-tul-Vida'.

Hope that you liked it :)

Thanks for having a look;


INFO: {Jumma tul vida is the last Friday of the holy month of ramdan}

Friday, 7 September 2012

{Babies Love}

Hey people, what'sub? hope you are are having a well time tackling with your lives.. hehe! So, here I am going to post a session of two lovelies of our house, Ansharah & Abdullah... they are siblings, and so loving! you might get my point here that we love both of them because of their cuteness! and Ansharah is the beginning and the end of cuteness! OMG I love her! acutally both of them. So, let's have a look at their photo...

There we go... 

Hehehe! I love this picture so much! And look at Ansharah, she is laughing! OMG soooooo cute! Thanks for having a look!


{Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it}

Hola Amigos! going to add a super-duper-rocking picture! And I am really excited to add it! So, lets see, that's is my brother with me {the person for whom I do photography and modelling for photography} so, let's have a look!

Hehehe... me and my brother, hope that you liked this picture ~ and may give me a good response of it... hmm...

Thanks for having a look...


{Sleeping Beauty}

Hey fellas... what's up? well adding some pictures of the sleeping beauty.. when She was sleeping on the EID day, I captured her picture, and believe me, that is just so peaceful.

And I really found this picture peaceful and so it is graceful... even a single orb has it's own beauty! 

Thanks for having a look..


Thursday, 6 September 2012

{She's my dear}

Hey hey hey! fellows what's up? And how are you doing? Well adding some pictures of a cutest girl, Ansharah, you know her well. So, this is Ansharah, my dear!

 She's looking at the lights in our kitchen :)

 AND! She's having a gum-rubbing habit as she might get her teeth very soon!
 Her cute lil feet!
 That's so good picture! her feet.. omg they are just edible!
 And her hands... I am a fond of them...

 We all love her and that's why, actually her old pictures got a very good response here on blog... so I thought to add more of this little brat! 

Thanks for having a look!
