Thursday, 30 August 2012

{Love You Canon}

Hey pals,

How have you been doing? Well I have been going to school and stressed a lot! But at that time of distress and disgust, I capture and post also :) So, some of the snaps that I took are here! there.. we .. go..!


A dedication to my old camera.

Dear Canon,

Thanks a lot for arriving into our lives and making our fingers make you focus, then click and I always liked to handle you with care, change your lens but now, we're falling apart, just because I've got a new friend, Nikon :p and I hope that it fills our lives better than you did :) ;) best of luck!

So, finally we got here, these are those last snaps that I took from my EOS 550D. Now next some pictures will be taken In Sha Allah from the D3200. 

Till then, have a look at these to fulfil your appetite, will be giving glances of nikon.

Thanks for having a look!


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