Monday, 13 August 2012

{Collage Love}

Something cheesy about my collages! lol! But I am not praising myself. Just saying that I have worked a lot for them because I don't have such pictures to collage, I however managed them, from her blog  My inspiration stroke, and it strikes every time! lol, she's so talented! 
       What I do is that I'll post 3 collages at a time or three pictures or less.

       One of the inspirations are below... 

{My piece of sky}


{Nothing, but your choices}


{Your know, when we say it, we mean it}

Well, I don't think so these are Very marvellous or sensational! but still, whatever it is, a part of my {curly brackets}!

By the way, thanks for having a look! 

; {naj}

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