Thursday, 26 June 2014


Hey there. How’d you do? As I was going through some old pictures of mine that I have shared on my instagram, so I thought to just share this stuff with you people and as I am out of topics right now for this situation that is being.

So, I wanted to share those photos with you so that you’d have an idea of what I did and this would become a little post on how my days went on when I didn’t blog at all :)

• Sketching:

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I eventually developed some good sketching skills (no favoring myself :p) and came the idea in my mind to sketch and draw whatever comes in my mind and so I drew two of these given above.

• Hairstyling:

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I believe that hairstylists are one of those luckiest people on Earth who actually know how to tackle with their hair! And so I started to endeavor into this stuff, no I don’t want to be a hairstylist but I want to be eligible enough to style hair myself ^^. Then I started watching videos and other tutorials to help myself out with different styles.


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I started using VSCO CAM that is amazing. I took a photo of our hose (left) and my cousin’s apartment (right) and applied vsco on it. I took a couple of photos like that and it is so so so addictive that I can’t tell you.

• Cooking:

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Apart from other things, I got a couple of chances to bake and cook. Though I couldn’t avail all the chances to make food, but I made some pancakes, and they tasted amazing. This photo of the pancake is from the winters when I made these for supper with honey and tasted delicious. The other two photos are of the cupcakes that I made a couple of days ago, these were amazingly yummy; the triple-berry cupcakes. Yum.

• Word Searching:


And the favorite thing to do in those days was word search! Yeah, my cousin got me this book with really amazing word search games. Got addicted with that woah!

• Selfies:

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And the most loved thing – I took a lot of selfies. LOL. I just love taking selfies.

So this was the highlights of the things that I did when I didn’t blog here. Hope that you people got refreshed and now are enjoying reading this all.

Thanks for dropping by!

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