Sunday, 18 August 2013

{You are…}

Heyo. Hope you are well. This post is actually about you, usually all of my posts are regarding to my life and my stories, but this one is wholly about you.
I gave this post a name that is weird, but this name is directing you towards “Who are you? and how did you find me?” Yes, sounds a bit inspection-ista but let me tell you that this post is about naming and introducing yourself in the comments below and telling that howcome you found my blog and who are you? and since when are you a reader/silent reader. Because I love knowing people randomly and another reason that I was out of other stuff (and my school is opening from tomorrow :/ ) so I thought that I should really know you people, because since I started checking the insights and saw them growing so fast, I knew that there are somethings that need to be noted. So, I thought that I should write about discussing “you” and let me know my dearest readers.
Like, randomly I checked my insights and saw the audience that visits and reads my posts and comments are on some of them, so I really really wanted to know the people who are reading this post and who visit my blog. In short, a message to all the people who are subscribed-to/following my blog, please please do introduce yourself down in the comments box as it is always waiting for your comments but you people remain silent readers.
So, let me know you in the comments and reply you as well. Do tell me that since when are you following my blog :)

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