Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Featured: {Ali Anas on RedBubble}

Good day peeps. Hope you all are going good and having a good time, passing through a very good environment and very good people.

So, THIS post is my last post on the blog, and all I need is comments on the posts till I return. I told you in the previous post that my exams are here and I don't find it much good to spend hours on the internet, I thought to just kinda tell you people already.

So, you guys must be seeing something weird on the blog, yeah, that's the widget that is beside my blog post and that is named as 'Ali Anas' RedBubble' or 'Buy Buy Buy' typed scripts over there  that is just a small widget of my brother, Ali Anas who's a photographer and also the face behind the Ali Anas Photography , you guys who are following this blog may know him. So, he's interested in selling his photos on RedBubble, and people like you, who have followed his page already, must have seen his photography that how keenly he takes a snap and how much his work's worth is.

Here's what he says
I am a photographer and I am also the face behind Ali Anas Photography, I am really confident with my photos since I have got a DSLR. Along with time, my page has started to grow and has about reached almost 1K likes, which was a quite hard for me to transpose a mount and reach that much appreciation.

 I feel that my photos are of that type (not all) that catch people's eyes and are pinned up to be their target, and that I saw through the comments and the numerous likes on the photos that are filled with so much appreciation that I go even more confident with my photos. Each like upgrades my confidence and makes me to capture even more impressive, more eye-catching, more delicate photos that are one in a million. So having all the studio equipment and all the art in me, gives out a very good output that enhances my confident about this field. 

Some people and even my sister Nejia told me about RedBubble, an awesome art gallery and a very good seller property that can help my work to go through dollars ($) So I asked Nejia if she can put the widget over here on the blogspot and give my work a little bit of preference and priority. She has displayed the of the Facebook page more often. So I would like you guys to help me a little if possible by buying the photos, and that would be all good that you can do to me. I hope that you guys will help me and if you haven't liked my page, please do like it. The link has been displayed up there on the post and also on the blog on the right side.

 I have given a 20% discount on the products that include Post Cards, Photographic Prints, Canvas Prints, Framed Prints and a bit allowance of Posters on some photos. I hope you guys will be really helpful for me and my photography and my sale. In the end, I would like to thank Nejia for featuring my page over here because she knows all this frenzy, for more details on the selling, contact me on personal message at Ali Anas Photography

So, that was all that he had to say, I hope you all have read that and also have visited his page on Facebook and if you guys have really read all that, then you can help him :)

Thanks a lot for stopping by!

P.S. If you want to be featured at my blog, for an add, please e-mail me at <najjsul@gmail.com>.

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