Sunday, 2 September 2012

{Letter-ology - Day 01}

Some people and things are unforgettable ... and there's always a person whom you miss and want to stay in touch with... and there is always no or some reason behind the missing... and there's someone in my life too who is been missed every second, my Phuppo   and that's why I write letters to her.

 There's been a long time ago... well you would say that definitely that, there's a long time people suffered from that, but now there's a technology of writing E-mails and all that but still my heart has stopped at how the people wrote letters... and how the happiness occurs when I receive a letter and how would they have been expressing when they do receive my letters... and that is how I wanted to share some letters the old way of expressing your love and time for the people you write and love. 

I had thought that whenever I tend to send a letter or receive one, then I'd upload the pictures here so that would be a project, a Letter-ology project what say? I discovered it right here when you're all reading it... so I am going to upload the first letter picture that my Phuppo sent me, I can't upload the one that I wrote because it's already sent but next time I'll upload before posting it.

There we go for the first letter that I received:

She Wrote:

Oh my god, I loved it the first time and the last time, every time I read it it was as pure and as lovely as the last lovely thing on Earth and I love it and the person who sent  it.

Thanks for having a look!


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