Sunday, 28 July 2013

{Project Life–Day 05}


{Before the dawn}:

  • 4:00 am: I woke up, rinsed my mouth and went to the dinning for sehri.
  • After my sehri, I brushed my teeth, prayed namaz and then watched some television.
  • Near to 5:00 am: I went back to bed.

{My day}:

  • 10:45 am: I woke up as my dad was forcing me to do so. lol.
  • It was a very lazy day and so I followed television.
  • Took a warm bath.
  • I watched television till namaz-e-duhur.
  • After that I wandered up and down stairs.


  • 4:00 pm: I went up stairs to my uncle’s floor.
  • There I sat with my auntie sweet.
  • I pressed her legs because she works too much from her day.
  • I talked to her about ramadan and else, too many other things and people.


  • 5:00 pm: The weather was as perfect as anything could be.
  • It was partly cloudy. Seemed like the sun and the clouds were playing.
  • Very pleasant weather at this duration.


  • 5:30 pm: I took a shot out of the window, yes my aunt’s room faces a very pretty way in the clouds.
  • I could easily take one photo. I knew it was going to rain the same night. *Sigh*
  • The hanging light in her kitchen was cute, so it went in my photo :)


  • 6:00 pm:I first prayed namaz then I got dressed up with a very nice long shirt and palazzo trousers, as I was going to my aunt’s home.
  • My cousins and my brother was with me and so I followed them.


  • 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm: My aunt did a very warm welcome and hospitality.
  • I didn’t eat too much at her home. After when we broke our fast so we then prayed namaz again.
  • We had too much fun over there and we watched short clips of videos with cousins. It was so nostalgic.
  • We are always invited there at my aunt’s place every Ramadan mA. I just recalled all the moments and all the fun we had, years back and we’ll have, years forward.
  • 9:00 pm: We came back home and then I actually did my iftaari. Had nice pakoras and juice and custard.
  • 10:30 pm: It rained as I guessed. (wow, lol) and I posted this post and everything from today, edited pictures.
  • Enjoyed this day and then prayed namaz.
  • Went to sleep by 12:00 am.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

{Project Life–Day 04}

{Before the dawn}:
  • 3:45 am: Woke up with so so so much heavy eyes.
  • Dozed me with sleep at short intervals while we all were on the table.
  • Had my paratha, egg and pheni along with some nice tea and water.
  • We offered our prayers and then, to bed.
  • 11:20 am: Woke up and then tip-toed put of my bed and then started to wander.
  • Mom was telling me to take a shower. So I did at 11:50 am.
  • It was a sunny day, just as I didn’t want it to be.
  • I read some newspaper and then went to take a shower.
  • 12:30 pm: I was all done with my shower, changing and bed-setting.
  • And yes, I was in red again today.
  • Wrapped a towel around my head to dry my hair.
  • 1:00 pm: I started to wander and watching random videos with brother.
  • 1:30 pm: Namaz time was there so I prayed and then Quran was read.
  • 4:00 pm: After sometime, I went in my cousin’s bedroom where this little girl was playing.
  • I sat there and played with Baby Ansharah.
  • It was a lazy day.
  • 4:30 pm: Still there, took some feet shots, beautiful sunlight enters her room and so I had to capture!
  • I was red, my cousin was in red and in fact the baby girl, my niece was in red today too. lol.
  • 5:00 pm: I was hell bored so I went upstairs rambling around.
  • The upstairs, my uncle lives where, there is a very big terrace and so their all rooms (almost) have beautiful sunlight entrance.
  • It was so cozy to sit there with my aunt. I always just love speaking to her, talked to her.
  • While my cousin came and I asked if he brought my Custard and Jelly, he didn’t.
  • Grief. Sadness. uh-oh.
  • 5:30 pm: This little girl was up with me and so she was playing and I loved this candid shot.
  • The terrace’s entrance. Just too beautiful at this time.
  • 6:00 pm: I looked for my beads and hangings one scarf. I wore it around my neck.
  • The infinity sign was there and my feet.
  • Prayed Namaz and Quran recitation was there.
  • 6:30 pm: Did some instagramming. Oh it was fun.
  • Helped mama in cutting the delicious watermelon for iftaari.
  • Set the table mats. Went in my cousin’s room again.
  • 8:00 pm: Made some nice jelly and custard for my self.
  • Left the jelly to stabilize and the custard to cool down.
  • Cut the jelly into cubes and spread them on the custard.
  • Watched some nice Tariq Jamil’s speech meanwhile.
  • Yay by 9:00 pm, my custard dessert was ready.
  • Then I watched some television again.
  • 9:15 pm: I edited photos from today and wrote all this.
  • By 10:30 pm I was free.
  • Did some facebooking then I left the computer to relax.
  • I was too on my relaxation mode and then I prayed Namaz.
  • After that I ate the custard. Yum.
  • Watched some nice program on television.
  • Turned out the lights after 12:00 am.

Friday, 26 July 2013

{Project Life–Day 03}

{Before the dawn}:

  • Woke up as regular at 4:45 am and then ate my sehri.
  • We all then said our prayers and then went to sleep.
  • It' rained a bit and I knew that was a perfect start-up.
  • Woke up at 11:50 and then tip-toed out of the room.
  • Soon I took a nice bath. Changed into a new dress as I do on Fridays.
  • Surfed some internet and took some feet shots. All colored in red.
  • Lazy hot day and my cousin and me and feet and photos are everything.
  • Prayed Namaz and soon I started wandering around as I do. lol.
  • Near to 4:00 pm, it was all grey. Less sunny. Perfect for me.
  • I went to my uncle’s, it’s very easy to socialize when you live in a joint family. lol.
  • I loved today’s weather. Grey days are just too pretty to be noticed.
  • My house lounge was quite dark then. I went in my cousin’s room. Watched some television.
  • My day was going well.
  • Again went to my uncle’s place, near to 5:00 pm. Took some feet shots.
  • I was badly feeling low. But by Allah’s will, the fast went well.
  • Soon when the power was back, everyone was in the kitchen near to 6:00 pm all found in the preparation for iftaari.
  • I came back to my room, and then Namaz & Quran.
  • I was bored so made an infinity sign on my hand and took it’s picture.
  • I was feeling hell dull and low. Talked to my aunt for a while, turned pages of a magazine. It was all.
  • Soon came back downstairs and it was the time of 6:30.
  • Very soon the time passed and I also heard the news of death of a relative, a great attack of sadness.
  • I was so into that news and then the time of iftaari came. We did our iftaar.
  • Talked to my brother while we were still on the table.
  • Had juice and water and pakoras.
  • Prayed Namaz and then lied on the bed, watching Mawlana Tariq Jamil’s speech. So overwhelming.
  • It was the day and so so so much laziness was dripped-up in my head and I was so lazy today. Didn’t even feel like taking pictures.
  • Downloaded the windows live writer. This made me feel good.
  • Thanks to Allah, He made my day, as He makes everyday, a good day.
  • Then surfed some internet and ate pakoras and noodles. Yum.
  • Along with that, edited pictures from today and posted.
  • This day was grey. But these pictures, speaking to me, make me happy now :)
{Shall update you soon with more excitement}
Till laters, ta!

Thursday, 25 July 2013

{Project Life - Day 02}

{Yay day 02}

{Before the dawn}:

{Woke up late for sehri}
  • 3:45 am: Woke up late for sehri and then somehow, pushed myself in the bath.
  • Had Paratha and Qeema (leftover from last night) and tea and pheni along with water. We later brushed our teeth.

{Namaz & Quran on the first place}
  • 4:30 am: After all the sehri, baba and brother went to the Mosque and me and mama prayed at home.
  • Read Quran as well.


{Woke up in the morning, oh that was so noon}
  • 12:00 pm: Woke up and then fresh-up myself and solved the tangles of  my hair and looked around, perfect! And I took some self-shots too.
  • The maid was here mopping, so I stayed in bed.

{Night clothes changed into a clean dress}
  • 1:30 pm: I changed myself into a clean dress and then I wore my slippers and then went in the lounge.
  • The house was cleaner now, the sun was brighter out.

{Namaz again and Quran, as well}
  • 1:30 pm: When this was the time, it was surely for namaz and so I did my ablution and then stood up to pray.
  • After namaz, I recited Quran.

{This girl}

{Took some photos with cousin and played with the little girl}
  • 2:00 pm: When we all were free from our prayers and other stuff, this girl little sweetie came and we played with her. Love her to bits.
  • Along with, took photos with cousin and spoke to her and loved every moment spent.

{Biology: My school book}
  • 3:00 pm: Yes, I do study and I am given home-tasks as well. lol.

{Work Work Work}
  • 3:00 pm: I started doing my homework and when done, I cozied in the bed.


{Me, lying and cozying}
  • 3:30 pm: When the work was done, I lied over there and took a lazy shot. 

{Outside & Inside}
  • I sat with my aunt and looked around the beautiful weather around 4:00 pm. Where the dusk was about to spread.
  • I talked with my aunt and took photos.

{Reading an Arabic magazine. YOLO}
  • 4:30 pm: I came back to my room and had not so much to do, grabbed an old 20th century decor magazine and started exploring.
  • I loved some of the bedroom designs and table and kitchen ware too.
  • I wandered up and down and took power naps.

{Lights on!}
  • 5:00 pm: I cleaned up and soon the lounge lights turned on. I guessed it was a so-evening.
  • I fresh-up-ed and then soon I heard Adhan, while I was surfing the internet. I edited some of the photos from today. Facebook-ed and all.

{Namaz and cooking}
  • 5:30 pm: When I got free, I did my ablution and then I said my prayers.
  • After, my mom was cooking in kitchen and so I went there to help.  

{Curry leaves and me}
  • 6:00 pm: My mama had put some fresh curry leaves and so I played with them.

{Yum pakoras frying and fried}
  • 6:45 pm: my mama was frying some nice pakoras for iftaari, and so I went towards it.
  • Nice brown colours. Yum.

{Namaz and Curry leaf}
  • After iftaari, we said our prayers.
  • Yum pakoras and juice and fruits were served.

{Tea and biscuits}
  • 8:00 pm: We had tea and I ate biscuits with it. Watched some television. Lazy-ied. Cozy-ied.

{Baby girl and me}
  • 9:00 pm: This little girl came and while I was working and editing photos, I made her listen to songs.
  • 10:00 pm: I kept on posting and working with the blog. Ate some nice chick pea. 
This day was nicer.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

{Project Life - An incomplete Day - Day 1}

Hello. Incomplete sharing because of lack of pictures. Routine defined well.

The day starts with!

  • 3.00 am woke up so sehri, actually couldn't sleep at night. *Yawn* Doodled on my diary making infinity signs all the way. 
  • 4.00 am dished out sehri: fried egg seasoned with pepper and salt and paratha yum.
  • 4.30 am time for prayers. Fajr is the most significant prayer if we are to fast.
  • 5.00 am went to sleep zzzz.
  • 11.45 am woke up with a hurry and set my room into a human place *.* 
  • 1.30 pm time for the second  prayer of the day. Duhur prayer.
  • 3.00 pm Walked around the house and then played with this little baby.
  • 4.00 pm kept walking around and played endlessly with this little girl and then took some self shots.         
  • 4.30 pm I had too much with her so I dressed my hair roughly and then looked around my house.
    The weather was divine. (Left: My house lounge : Right: Outside weather)
  • 5.00 pm family all rushed up and started working out for making iftaari. Divine smell everywhere. Performed my Asr prayer.
  • 6.00 pm I started to help mama in making the table and cleaning everything. 
  • 7.00 pm I finally came back to my room and turned on the television. Watched some news. The time-check for the fast-break was soon here. Gathered some feet shots and eyes were on the clock.

  • 7.22 pm we broke our fast and then ate meals such as Pakoras, and fruits. Lassi was served as a drink.
  • 7.30 pm later we performed our Magrib prayers and then I started to wander.
  • 8.00 pm was the time for a little computer and I surfed the internet.
  • 9.00 pm I edited the photos from today and wrote all this. *Phew*. Time for isha prayer.
  • 10.45 pm we started to have our dinner. Qeema & Roti was served.
  • Later We went to our room and we watched some television.
  • We turned out the lights near to 12.00 am or after. 
This day went so well and cool.

Will update you with tomorrow, by tomorrow :)

Thanks for stopping by.



Sehri: It's the meal we take for the rest of the fasting day. It is eaten before sunrise. 
Paratha: It's a dish made out of bread, fried.
Fajr, Duhur, Asr, maghrib isha are prayers of Muslims. Essential for a muslim.
Pakoras: They are fried and are made up of chick-pea flour. Good in taste and a very common item in the iftaari.
Iftaari: It's the break of the fast. It's the meal we eat when we break our fast and it is at the time of sunset.
Qeema & Roti: They are mince and chapattis. 

{Project Life - Photos and Words}

Hola amigos! Pardon for the absence and no notice of it. I am really very sorry about it because of the holy month of Ramadan is here yet so the blog was neglected, even though it's not negligible but still all the days are serving a different timetable and routine differs from the normal days. Still I have tried much to pay attention towards everything equally so that I'll learn the significance of every little thing. Enough.

Okay *sigh*. This post is regarding to my new topic on the blog. Basically, I figured out that I was ignoring this stuff and the magnetizing effect of blog and stuff has gone away somewhere because of lack of ideas and else too many other things, so I decided to do something that logs me in into the blog and along with it, my habit of taking pictures *yessss* will emerge out. The project life is a self challenged-project to pay attention towards everything.

In this project, I'll post photos and routine of the days that I am going through and you guys will know that how much time I give to everything and even I'll be alarmed about everything *yay*.

The procedure will be like, I'll post photos (most possible that I could capture) and post about the timings (most possible as I could remember) and aware you guys with my daily life :) This project is inspired because I've always been exploring blogs and inspiration strikes me anyway! :)

 Right now, I think that the self challenge should remain only 7 days. I'll extend the days when I want. I'll not be posting any other thing in the duration of the project life days.

Be ready.

Thank you so much for giving your time.


Ramadan: It's the holy month of Muslims in which they fast for Allah and spend the day without eating or drinking anything. Their fast starts before sunrise and they break it at sunset. 

Sunday, 7 July 2013

;{Life Goes Through}

; {life goes through different stages and we take different decisions. Something that I've learned and have decided to take it a long way with me is that, we can't always get what we want, we only get what we actually need, life has told me to sigh for every little happiness I am given, all other things are just too timely and we actually mean them which are just too pointless, but one day, we will know, what was all for us, and what we were all for} - Nejia Sultan

I hope that you will like the words, the photo. Have a nice day.
Do stop by next time.